Together Is Better!

  Friday, August 9th, the two offices of FRSCPA (Florida and North Carolina) gathered to discuss and explore the need for teamwork. The agenda began with our current client and McDonald’s O/O Clint Gulley, as he shared how teamwork comes into play with his team.  He stressed factors such as Culture, Communication, Connection, Commitment, Caring,…

McDonalds Franchise Negotiation

Buy – Sell Negotiation of a McDonald’s Restaurant

FRSCPA Partner, Joan Gibbons, along with fellow NFCA member, Steve Edelheit, spoke about “The Gold Standards in Buying/Selling McDonald’s Restaurants,” to the Women Operators Network in Austin, Texas. This video snip captures the essence of both the potential buyer and seller of a restaurant, and what might be important for them in the negotiation process.…